Artificial Intelligence and the Human

Montag, 19. - Freitag, 23. Oktober 2020
The New School for Social Research, New York (virtual)

Programme (pdf)

Streaming for the keynotes

This series of six lectures looks at the successes, as well as the failures, of the search of artificial intelligence and uses them as a window into the larger question of what this search can tell us about the nature of the human(ities). The series will be hosted by Zed Adams and Markus Gabriel.



What is intelligence and what does it tell us about the nature of the human(ities)? The search for artificial intelligence has tended to assume that intelligence is a fixed goalpost, static and unchanging, such that if the search is successful, it can be achieved once and for all. In this week-long, intensive seminar, we will read and discuss a number of writers who have challenged this assumption. Texts discussed will include Jessica Riskin’s The Restless Clock (2016), John Haugeland’s Having Thought (1998), Brian Cantwell Smith’s The Promise of Artificial Intelligence (2019), and Markus Gabriel’s Neo-Existentialism (2018) and The Meaning of Thought (2020). In addition to daily seminar meetings, there will also be a series of keynotes given by Jessica Riskin, Stuart Russell, Susan Schneider, Brian Cantwell Smith, and Nell Watson.

Monday Oct 19 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Artificial Intelligence and the Human - Seminar


11:30 AM - 01:30 PM
Jens Schröter Keynote: “AI Art. On Machine Creativity”


Tuesday, Oct 20 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Nell Watson Keynote: “AI and Social Trust”


11:30 AM - 01:30 PM
Stuart Russell Keynote: “Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence”


Wednesday Oct 21 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Artificial Intelligence and the Human - Seminar


11:30 AM - 01:30 PM
Susan Schneider Keynote: “AI and the Future of the Self”



Thursday Oct 22 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Artificial Intelligence and the Human - Seminar


Brian Cantwell Smith Keynote: “AI, the Human ... and the Humane”


Fri, Oct 23 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Artificial Intelligence and the Human- Seminar


01:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Jessica Riskin Keynote: “The Restless Machinery of Life”
